11th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies
24-26 November 2025
Merrylands Bowling Club, Sydney, Australia
Published Paper of ICGCET®-2018 Denmark
- Dur-E-Shawar Agha, M. Sadiq Ali Khan, Fozia Hanif Khan, Farheen Qazi, "Efficient Priority Based Data Aggregation in WBAN", Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science, Vol. 10, No. 5S, 2018. PDF
- S. Saeed, F. H. Khan, S. A. Khan, N. Islam, "Conceptions of Software Testing as a Service", Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science, Vol. 10, No. 5S, 2018. PDF
- Indira Bahaddur, Srikant P C, Preeta Sharan, "Photonic Crystal Based Micro Mechanical Sensor in SOI Platform", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, July 2018 PDF
- Johanson O V, Preeta Sharan, "Adaptive MOEMS Based Micro Pressure Sensor Using Photonic Crystal", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, July 2018 PDF
- Arifa Bhutto and Dil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, "Validate UML Model and OCL Expressions Using USE Tool", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, July 2018 PDF
- Abu Sufian, Anuradha Banerjee, Paramartha Dutta, "Cheat proof Communication through Cluster Head (C3H) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, July 2018 PDF
- Khiat Azeddine, Jamila Bakkoury, Mohamed El Khalil, Ayoub Bahnasse, Fatima EzzahraaLouhab, "New Approach Based Internet of Things for a Clean Atmosphere", International Journal of Information Technology, 2018 PDF
- Syed Sifat Rahman, Hasan Mahmud, Md. Rafeed Talukder, Apurba Daria, Shammi Akhtar, "A Machine Learning Based Approach for Diabetes Detection and Care in Bangladesh", Gyancity Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.2, pp.21-28, July 2018, ISSN:2456-0065 DOI: 10.21058/gjet.2018.42003 PDF
- Mahesh Kumar Singh, Om Prakash Rishi, Sumit Wadhwa, "Page Ranking Algorithm Based on Numbers of Link Visits and its Application in Recommendation System for online Business", Gyancity Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 1-10, September 2018, ISSN:2446-2918 DOI: 10.21058/gjecs.2018.32001 PDF
- Souvik Mishra, Anuradha Banerjee, "A Survey on Selfish Node Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Network", Gyancity Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 29-32, September 2018, ISSN:2446-2918 DOI: 10.21058/gjecs.2018.32004 PDF
- Mayank Prajapati, Vipul Narayan, Sashank Awasthi, "A Novel Approach for Wireless Penetration Testing", Gyancity Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 11-20, September 2018 ISSN:2446-2918 DOI: 10.21058/gjecs.2018.32002 PDF
- Syed Abbas Ali, Fatima Waheed, Wajahat Rehman, Sallar Khan, Marium Zia, "Comparative Analysis of Learning Algorithms For Lung Cancer Identification", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.27, 2018 PDF
- Aditya Rana and Charu Pathak, "Wavelet Thresholding Algorithms for Image Denoising", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.27, 2018 PDF
- Bulbul Khan Monna, Anjuman Ara, Preyanka Bhandari, Shammi Akhtar, "DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONALITIES FOR SMART PHONE AND POWER SHARE", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.27, 2018 PDF
- Daniel Ortiz-Arroyo, "A Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.27, 2018 PDF
- Samreen Amir, M. Fasih Uddin Butt, Ezzah Shoukat, Humda Noor, Zainab Nadeem and Nida Zamir, "Development of a New Tool for Better Imaging of High BMI Patients", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.27, 2018 PDF
- Anuradha Banerjee, D M Akbar Hussain "Energy Efficiency in Software Defined Networks: A Survey", CICN Communications, August 2018, ISSN: 0970-647X PDF
- Semiye Demircan, Humar Kahramanli, "Application of ABM to Spectral Features for Emotion Recognition", Vol 37 No 4 (2018): October Issue PDF
- Ayoub BAHNASSE, Abdelmajid BADRI, Fatima Ezzahraa LOUHAB, Mohamed TALEA, Azeddine KHIAT, Bishwajeet PANDEY, "Behavior analysis of VoIP performances in next-generation networks", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.15) (2018) 353-359. PDF
- Azeddine Khiat, Ayoub BahnasseJamila BakkouryMohamed El KhailiFatima Ezzahraa Louhab, "New approach based internet of things for a clean atmosphere", International Journal of Information Technology, PDF
- Amita Asthana, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr. Sumita Mishra, "Design of Arm Processor’s Elements Using QCA", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 306-310 PDF
- Polina Dolmatova, "Software for Creating Tutorials and Examinations on Natural Languages", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 315-322 PDF
- Harshada Jitendra Patil, "PHOTONIC CRYSTAL BASED NANO SCALED SENSOR FOR THE DETECTION OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF POTASSIUM CHLORIDE", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 311-314 PDF
- Ibrar Jahan M A, Anup M. Upadhyaya "Sensitivity improvement and Optomechanical analysis of composite material using Fiber Bragg Grating sensor", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 204-211 PDF
- Zakiah Noh, Siti Zaleha Zainal Abidin, Nasiroh Omar "Visual Design for Malay Consonants Pronunciation", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 212-215 PDF
- Nasiroh Omar, Nur Azmina M Zamani "Context-Aware Crowd Monitoring with Dynamic MultiUser Tracking Data", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 300-305 PDF
- Nasiroh Omar, Nur Azmina M Zamani "Context-Aware Crowd Monitoring with Dynamic MultiUser Tracking Data", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 300-305 PDF
- Arun Pratap Srivastava, Shashank Awasthi, "End-to-End Packet Delay Analysis and Modeling Concept in Multi-Hop Wireless Network", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 492-496 PDF
- Nandhini V. L., Dr. K. Suresh Babu, Moumita Manna, "Spr Based Biosensors Design forDetection ofDifferent Skin Types Cancer", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 466-470 PDF
- Aqeel Ahmed, M. S. Wahab, A. A. Raus, K. Kamarudin, A.S. Bala and Mohd Badli Ramli1a, "Mechanical And Thermal Issues In Downsize Engine: A Review", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 475-478 PDF
- Siti Muniratu Salihah Aishatun bt Yahya, Suzana bt Ahmad, "Preliminary Study on Educational User Interface Architecture for Social Network", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 457-462 PDF
- Siti Muniratu Salihah Aishatun bt Yahya, Suzana bt Ahmad, "Preliminary Study on Educational User Interface Architecture for Social Network", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.36) (2018) 457-462 PDF