11th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies
02-04 March 2026
Club Parramatta, 2 Macquarie St, Parramatta, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Published Paper of ICGCET®-2021 Peru
- 4: José Tacca Puma, Laddy Dayana Pumayauri De La Torre, Néstor Marcial Alvarado Bravo, Florcita Hermoja Aldana Trejo, Almintor Giovanni Torres Quiroz, Alejandro Paredes Soria, "Theological Epistemology And The Crisis Of God In Peruvian Education", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019 PDF
- 7: Atif Saeed, M. Asad Mumtaz, Ahsan Manzar, Naeem Zainuddin, "CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) Machine For Medical Assistance", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019 PDF
- 8: Atif Saeed Khawaja Moez Ur Rehman Muhammad Taha Khan Alina Inayat Taimoor Inayat Tanzila Younas, "Designing of Drill End Effector for Industrial Robots in Operation", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019 PDF
- 9: Saud Sattar, Atif Saeed, Immar Khan, Jane Proszek, "Sustainable Electricity Generation and Storage Mechanism through Doors", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 12: Muhammad Osama Horani, Mariya Najeeb, Atif Saeed "Model Electric Car with Wireless Charging using Solar Energy", 3C Tecnologia, December 2021 PDF
- 14: Atif Saeed, Syed Ammad Ul Raza Kazmi, Moiz Motani, Muhammad Baqar Panjwani "Prototyping of Model RC Plane for Agricultural Application", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 16: Hadiya Ebrahim, Wahaj Sheikh, Atif Saeed "DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABLE BEACH CLEANER", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 17: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "Identying Factors That Influences Fradulences In Non-Life Insurance Companies" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 18: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "AN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCES COTTAGE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 19: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "A Study On Correlations Between Computer Literacy And Attitudes Toward Internet Use Among Generation Y: A Malaysian Perspective" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 20: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "An Overview Of The Determinants That Escalates Cottage Industry" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, , Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 21: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "Identifying Predictors Of Perceived Claims Of Insurance Fraudulance" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 22: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh KHARABE, "Identifying How Customer’s Loyalty And Retention Influences Relationship Marketing In A Hotel Industry" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 23: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "An Analysis On The Effect Of Computer Literacy And Attitude Towards Internet Amongst Generation Y" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 24: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "Understanding Predictors That Influences Relationship Marketing In Unit Trust Industry" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 25: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "Analysis Of Factors That Influences Customer Retention In The Unit Trust Industry" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 26: P. Ravindran Pathmanathan, Khairi Aseh, "An Analysis Of How Relationship Marketing Influences Customer Choice Of Hotel Industry" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol 14, No. 1, PDF
- 29: Tanzila Younas, Nasreen Bano, Dilan Rufi, Talha Moosa, Shayan Shahid, Alina Inayat, "DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SEEDLING MACHINE", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979, pp. 2751-2757 PDF
- 30: Nasreen Bano, Amna Najab, Muhammad Immar Khan, Leena Michelle Theresa Lobo, Syed Shayan Ahmed, Tanzila Younas, "Baker‟s Vendi", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979, pp. 3985-4001 PDF
- 31: Francisco Hilario, Jorge Mayhuasca, Ciro Rodriguez, Milner Liendo, Giancarlo Sanchez, "A comparative study of tools for intrusion detection technologies in cyberspace", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019 PDF
- 32: Pedro Lezama, Ciro Rodriguez, Francisco Hilario, Jorge Mayhuasca, "Digital transformation in industrial fishing", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 36: Belal Alifan, Mokhairi Makhtar, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, "A Review Study of Electronic Health Care Systems in Jordan", AIP Conference Proceeding, Volume 2816, Issue 1, 22 March 2024 PDF
- 38: Sallar Khan, Mutahir Ahmed, Waleed Bin Umer, Emad Idrees "TRANSLATING EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHS USING DEEP LEARNING", Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X PDF
- 40: Vicenta Tafur-Anzualdo, Doris Esenarro, Carlos Medina-Ramos, Judith Betetta-Gomez, Milton César Túllume Chavesta, Pedro Amaya, "REFLECTIONS ON THE DEFORESTATION OF THE PERUVIAN AMAZONIAN FOREST FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND USE, PERIOD 2001-2018", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0974-5823, Vol. 7 No. 2 February, 2022
- 41: D Esenarro, M Veliz, S Curi Gomez, F Maci Rengifo, P Amaya and A Cordova "Characterization of potential threats in the National Reserve of Paracas-Pisco, Ica", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 42: Doris Esenarro, Jorge Yataco, Ciro Rodriguez, Pedro Amaya, Roxana Aparicio, Violeta Vega, "Proposal for a design of an Interpretation Center to Raise Awareness about Wild Fauna", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 43: Ruben Martinez, Doris Esenarro, Pedro Amaya, Giovanna Vilcayauri, Milagros Canales, Mabel Huayta, "MULTITEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF VEGETATION COVER IN THE BUFFER ZONE OF THE TAMBOPATA NATIONAL RESERVE, 2015-2020", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 44: O Facho, T Cama, D Esenarro, A Rincón, A Cornejo and F Granados, "Public space in urban roads for the integration of users in a residential-commercial district (Miraflores)", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, PDF
- 45: O Facho, D Esenarro, R Gonzales, C Rodriguez, D Albornoz, G Del castillo, "Model of public space in urban roads for a better quality of life of users in the residential area of San Borja, Lima-Peru.", Journal of Positive School Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1246–1256
- 46: Doris Esenarro, Eliana Gonzales, Ciro Rodriguez, Pedro Amaya, Roxana Pariacoto and Maria Renee Alfaro, "Design of green infrastructure to promote the cultural development of the residents of the district of El Agustino", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, PDF
- 47: D Esenarro, B Cachay, C Rodriguez, P Amaya, J Cesar, and R Gutierrez "Green Corridor for Social and Ecological Integration with the Tablada de Lurín Archaeological Zone- Villa María del Triunfo District", Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1257–1267
- 48: O Facho, T Cama, D Esenarro, J Livia, C Cueto and D Ramos, "Recovery of residual public spaces to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of San Borja, Lima", Journal of Physics: Conference Series PDF
- 49: D Esenarro, G Vento, J Alfaro, C Rodriguez, P Amaya, V Vega1, and R Mendez, "Recovery of public spaces for the revaluation of the historic Center of Rimac Lima-Peru", Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 52: Abdul Ghani Bin Md Din, Mohamad Abdulaziz Mohammad Ahmed Eltigani, Omar bin Md Din, Abdelsattar Abdelwahab Ayoub, Fareed Awae, *Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary "The impact of Quranic readings on mastering Arabic sciences and the role of website content in its spread", Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 2021;8(5)
- 53: Abdelsattar Abdelwahab Ayoub, Mohamad Abdulaziz Mohammad Ahmed Eltigani, Fareed Awae, Omar bin Md Din, Abdul Ghani Bin Md Din, *Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, "The conditions of the people of Hell from the reality of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and the impact of Social Media on the spread of their interpretation, a descriptive semantic study", Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 2021;8(5):4388-4398
- 54: Mohamed Mahmoud El Gammal, "Intelligent Agent and its Impact on E-Commerce", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 3261-3265 PDF
- 55: Mohamed Mahmoud El Gammal, "Legal Capacity of the Intelligent Facilitator and its Impact on Responsibility in Islamic Jurisprudence", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 3261-3265 PDF
- 56: Nabil Cherkaoui, Youssef El Hassani, Rachid Chakib, Ghazaly Salifou Labo, Tiefolo Camara "Digital transformation, cybersecurity challenges and countermeasures", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 7579-7588 PDF
- 57: Rim Mrani Alaoui, Niyonzima Pierre Claver, Cisse Aissata, Modibo Samake, Ayoub Bahnasse "Use cases of SDN for network security", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 7589-7594 PDF
- 75: Tanzila Younas, Khawaja Moez Ur Rehman, Muhammad Taha Khan,Taimoor Inayat, "Supercapacitors and Its Enactment for Renewable Energy Resources", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 76: Atif Saeed, Monahil Fatima, "Autonomous Hand-held Car Wheel Unscrewing Mechanism", Gyancity Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2021, PDF
- 77:Atif Saeed, Ali Raza, Muhammad Ali Kanani, Mohammad Yasoob Sawal, "Automated Guided Vehicle: Prototyping and Implementation", EFFLATOUNIA, Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
- 78: Omar Jamil Alkfaween, Yousef Abubaker El Ebiary, Mumtazimah Binti Mohamad, "Reviewing the Mobile Learning Student Satisfaction Using Acceptance Models", Philosophical Reading, 2022 PDF
- 80: Ntombizanele Maqache, Arthur James Swart, "Remotely measuring and controlling specific parameters of a PV module via an RF link", 3C Tecnologia, December 2021, PDF
- 81: Ana Barrera, Francisco Hilario, Ciro Rodriguez, Jorge Figueroa, "Use of the Virtual Teaching Campus in the Competencies of University Teachers", 3C TIC, September 2021,
- 83: Violeta L. Romero Carrión, Rosalvina Campos Pérez, Justo Pastor Solis Fonseca, Juan Carlos Altamirano Romero and Edward Flores "Energy efficiency labeling in carbon dioxide mitigation", NeuroQuantology | May 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 5 < a href="https://www.neuroquantology.com/article.php?id=3446">PDF
- 84: Benjamín Alejandro Rosas Revilla, Cruz Evangelista Ricardo Manolo, Sanchez Diaz Sebastian, Edward Flore "Design of an automatic limb therapy rehabilitation device", 3C Tecnologia Special Issue February 2022 PDF
- 85: José Iannacone, Seid Romero, Joseph Rosas, Angélica Guabloche, Lorena Alvariño, Luz Castañeda and Luis Carrasco "Metals in Thaisella chocolata from the Callao Bay, Peru", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0974-5823, Vol. 7 No. 2 February, 2022
- 86: Edward Flores, Justo Pastor Solis Fonseca, Juan Herbert Grados Gamarra, Jose Hilarion Rosales Fernandez, Yeremi Gracia Barahona Altao and Susan Katherine Llanos Chacaltana "Machine Learning to increase applicants in the admission process of a public university in Lima-Perú", Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Volume13, Special Issue, 2022 PDF
- 87: Angel Bernardo Julca Coscol, Christian David Tapia Prado, Francisco Manuel Hilario Falcon, Cheyer Marcelino Corpus Giraldo, "Qualitative benchmarking study of software for switch performance evaluation", 3C Tecnologia, December 2021 PDF
- 89: Jawaid A. Qureshi, Craig Watters, Syed Faheem, Hassan Bukhari, "THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT OF HIV/AIDS IN AFRICA–INSIGHTS FROM SAVIOR OF MANKIND", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 12, Issue 9, August 2021, pp. 6972-6984
- 90: Frank Escobedo- Bailon, Antonio Arqque- Pantigozo, Carlos Alzamora- Aragon, Blanca Pasco- Barriga, Soledad Olivares- Zegarra, Katherin Rodriguez- Zevallos, "Cloud Technology As A Support For The ETL Process And Its Influence On Decision Making", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2 PDF
- 91: Frank Escobedo- Bailon, Antonio Arqque- Pantigozo, Blanca Pasco- Barriga, Carlos Alzamora- Aragon, Ana Nomberto- Luperdi, Katherin Rodriguez- Zevallos, "Machine Learning As A Key Element In The Prospective Of Academic Performance In Peruvian Universities", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2 PDF
- 92: Frank Escobedo- Bailon, Katherin Rodriguez- Zevallos, Soledad Olivares- Zegarra, Eleazar Torres- Jiménez, Nestor Alvarado- Bravo, Florcita Aldana- Trejo, "Web Development And Its Ability To Manage Academic Services In Low-Income Schools In Times Of Pandemic", International Journal of Aquatic Science (e-journal), ISSN / eISSN: 2008-8019, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2 PDF
- 93: Justo Pastor Solis Fonseca, Leonidas Carolina Salazar Bravo, Violeta Leonor Romero Carrion, Edward Flores and Ana de Los Ángeles Carolina Solis Salazar, "Traffic Congestion and Environmental Pollution in East Lima and its Consequences on the Quality of Life", NeuroquaNeuroQuantology | May 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 5 PDF
- 94: Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Fernando Viterbo Sinche Crispin, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Lipselotte Infante Rivera, and Luis Pablo Diaz Tito, "The facial recognition as a citizen security measure for the elderly" Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 95: Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed Elebiary, "Ujrah on KafÉlah in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Comparative Study", TOJQI PDF
- 98:Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Fernando Viterbo Sinche Crispin, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Mildred Jénica Ledesma Cuadros, Javier Pedro Flores Arocutipa and Luis Pablo Diaz Tito, "Chatbots and their Implication in Rural Education" Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 99:Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Jose Antonio Ogosi Auqui, Juana María Cruz Montero, Mildred Jénica Ledesma Cuadros and Luis Pablo Diaz Tito, "Mobile application design for the fight against women's violence" Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 100: Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Fernando Viterbo Sinche Crispin, Manuel Alberto Luis Manrique Nugent, Mildred Jénica Ledesma Cuadros and Luis Pablo Diaz Tito, "Impact of the Quality Management System at the Peruvian University" Volume 14 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education PDF
- 108:Cuya Oscar, "Mapping of vegetation cover hotspot using the multifractal singularity of NDVI applied to the fog oasis of Lúcumo, Lima, Peru" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 2 February, 2022 PDF
- 112:Mercedes Galarza, Doris Esenarro, Elizabeth Segovia, Jose Livia "EVALUATION OF THE CONDITIONING TO DETERMINE THEIR THERMAL COMFORT IN THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE PUNO REGION" 3C Tecnologia February 2022 Special IssuePDF
- 113: Vicenta Irene Tafur Anzualdo, Doris Esenarro, Pedro Amaya, Maria Veliz, "DEFORESTATION IN PERU AND STRATEGIC PLAN TO REDUCE AMAZONIAN FORESTS" Nat.Volatiles&Essent.Oils,2021;8(5):5149–5156 PDF
- 114:Elizabeth Segovia, César Chumpitasi, Katherine Peralta, Carolina Vasquez, ""APPLICATION OF GEOTECHNOLOGIES FOR FLOOD RISK ANALYSIS IN THE PUMAHUASI-HUAMANCOTO SECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF HUÁNUCO"" Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X), Volume 18, Number 6, 2021 PDF
- 115:Roxana Aparicio, Doris Esenarro, Cynthia K. Cusihuama, Jorge A. Ramón, Dayanna E. Rivera, Samuel Reyna, "INTERPRETIVE PATH TO STRENGTHEN THE TOURIST OFFER OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEX OF CHOQUEQUIRAO - CUZCO, 2021" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 2 February, 2022 PDF
- 117:Violeta Vega, Reynaldo Noa Acero, Pedro Amaya, Carlos Tello, Doris Esenarro, Rogelia Guillen, ""Evaluation oftheImpact ofEffluents Fisheries andDomestic Industries intheWater Quality oftheBahia El Ferrol -Chimbote"" Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 3636–3646
- 119: Amaya Pedro, Esenarro Doris, Vega Violeta, Benigno Gomez, Karina Hinojosa, Samuel Reyna, "ECONOMIC VALUE OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN METROPOLITAN LIMA, PERU. CASE: DISTRICTS OF JESÚS MARIA AND SANTIAGO DE SURCO" Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1268–1282 PDF
- 133:Dr. Gasim Othman Alandjani, "Online Fake Job Advertisement Recognition and Classification Using Machine Learning", 3C TIC, March 2022 PDF
- 135:Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed Elebiary, "The Internet of Things Role in the Architecture of Digital Enterprises", Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 2021, 8(5):5157–5168 PDF
- 136:Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed Elebiary, "The Technical Guidelines of a Decision Support System for Presenting Information and Data Using Tables and Graphs", Philosophical Readings, January 2022 PDF