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11th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies

24-26 November 2025
Merrylands Bowling Club

Prof D M Akbar Hussain

Aalborg University, Denmark

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Prof BS Chowdhry

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
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Dr Leila Rzayeva

Department of Intelligent System and Cyber Security, Astana IT University, Kazakhstan
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Prof Md Kamrul Hasan

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
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Prof Preeta Sharan

The Oxford College of Engineering, India
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Dr Arthur James Swart

Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
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Prof Ali Kashif Bashir

University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands, Denmark.
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Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti

Department of Computer Science, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
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Prof. Dr Parin Somani

London Organisation of Skills Development, London, United Kingdom
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Prof D M Akbar Hussain

D. M. Akbar Hussain is working as an associate professor in the department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University Denmark. He holds a PhD degree in Control Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences (EAPS), University of Sussex ENGLAND, more specifically, in the field of state estimation / Tracking and its implementation on multi-processor systems. The main focus of his research is related with computer and control engineering. He has made contributions in several energy related areas for example; PV integration with grid and security issues related with grid communication network, energy efficient hardware design and design of control to get maximum power from a wind turbine. He has the experience of working in three continents (ASIA, EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA) with different cultural heritage and feels proud in adapting to these environments adequately. He has multi-discipline/cross disciplined ability in teaching and he has have been teaching both core computer science and engineering subjects, for example Computer Architecture, Micro-controller Programming, Compiler Construction, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Real Time and Embedded System Programming, Databases and Engineering Management. He is chief editor of a Springer Book CCIS series published in November 2008, 2013; he is also author of a contributory chapter in a book “Parallel Processing in Control System Environment, published by Prentice Hall UK, 1993, edited by Eric Rogers. He has reasonable publications record in the various fields of his interest and expertise in some refereed journals, Springer books and conference papers. He has been the Chief Editor of Journal of Software Engineering, Associate Editor of International Journal on Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IJCEIT), Editor of Advances in Computer Science and IT, Editor of International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology (IJCSST) Editor Board Member of International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE), Regional Editor for Journal of Computing & Applications, Editorial Board Member for ACRS International Journal on computing & ACRS Journal on Mathematics and Computer Science and Member of International Committee for IMECS. He has also reviewed couple of books on filtering, management, computer science and actively involved in reviewing conference papers related with his research. He is external examiner, chairman of the evaluation committee and coordinator for over 20 PhD examinations. He was member of the E-study board of Aalborg University for many years and now is an observer for the same study board. He is coordinator for 3 different semesters, currently and in the past he has been active member of the department in connection with coordination, supervision, administration and curriculum review. He has formally obtained a certificate in management from the University of Toronto, CANADA, Adjunktpædagogikum ved Aalborg Universitet (University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors).

Prof M.F.L Abdullah

Mohammad Fiaz Liew Abdullah received Bsc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (Communication) in 1997, Dip Education in 1999 and MEng by research in Optical Fiber Communication in 2000 from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). He completed his PhD in August 2007 from The University of Warwick, United Kingdom in Wireless Optical Communication Engineering. He started his career as a lecturer at Polytechnic Seberang Prai (PSP) in 1999 and was transferred to UTHM in 2000 (formally known as PLSP). At present he is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Research and Development), Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). He has 15 years of teaching experience in higher education, which consisted of subjects like Optical Fiber Communication, Advanceed Optical Communication, Advanced Digital Signal Processing and etc. His research area of interest are wireless and optical communication, photonics and robotics in communication.
Email: faiz@uthm.edu.my

Dr Leila Rzayeva

Leila Rzayeva received her B.S, M.S., and Ph.D. from L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, in 2015 (QS World Rank 355). She works as an Assistant Professor and Head of at Department of Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity Astana IT University (Astana, Kazakhstan). Leila Rzayeva has published more than 40 national/international research articles. Her interests are control systems and industrial automation, robust control system, cybersecurity ML, DL and design of control information systems, as well as the design of neural networks and artificial intelligent systems. She authored and co-authored a significant number of research paper and active participants in many conferences. She is the program committee member in IEEE SIST-2024 at Astana IT University and IEEE ICAIC-2024 at University of Houston Texas, USA. She is a General chair of the RTCSE-2025 conference at University of Hawaii, USA. She has delivered a keynote speech in the IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), 7-9 February 2024, at University of Houston, USA. She is invited to deliver a keynote speech at International Muti Topic Conference in Engineering and Science, 26-26 April 2024 at UAE Academic Center of Bath Spa University UK and 10th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®), 18-19 September 2024 at Sea Cliff Resort, Zanzibar.
Email: l.rzayeva@astanait.edu.kz,

Dr Bah-Hwee Gwee

Dr Bah-Hwee Gwee received his B.Eng degree from University of Aberdeen, UK, in 1990. He received his MEng and PhD degrees from Nanyang Technological University in 1992 and 1998 respectively. He was an Assistant Professor of School of EEE, NTU from 1999 to 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor in School of EEE, NTU. He has worked on a number of research projects with research grant amounting to S$8m (~US$5.7m). He was the principal investigator of the research projects from MoE Academic Research Tier-2 grant of S$1.3m (~US$860k), ASEAN-EU University Network Programme grant of €200k and the Defense Science Organization grant of S$3.25m (~US$2.32m). He was also the Co-Principal Investigator of NTU-Panasonic research collaboration amounting to S$1m (~US$800k) and DARPA project of ~US$350k, Linkoping University – NTU joint research collaboration of S$660k (~US$400k), The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) – PSF research project of S$700k ((USD500k). His research interests include low power asynchronous IC design, Class-D amplifiers, digital signal processing and soft computing. He has published more than 100 technical papers, 6 patents (3 granted in USA) and started a Start-up Company in 2005. He was the Chairman of IEEE-Singapore Circuits and Systems Chapter in 2005, 2006, 2013 and 2016. He is the Chairman of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society – DSPTC (2019-2020). He was the General CoChair of IEEE DSP 2018 and IEEE SOCC 2019. He was the organizing committee of the IEEE Bio-CAS 2004, IEEE APCCAS 2006 and the TPC Chair of International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC 2007, ISIC 2011 and ISIC 2016). He has also served as Associate Editors of a number of journals, including IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems II – Brief Express (2010-2011, 2018-2019 and 2020- 2021), IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems I – Regular Papers (2012-2013) and Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (2007-2012). He was awarded Temasek Laboratories @ NTU Best Publication Award in 2012 and the Teaching Excellence Award (Year 3) in 2013. He was an IEEE Distinguished Lecture for Circuits and Systems Society in 2009-2010 and in 20172018. He was awarded the Singapore Defence Technology Prize in 2016.

Prof Jason Levy

Dr. Levy is a professor of public administration at the University of Hawaiʻi who works with engineers, computer scientists and disaster managers to promote disaster resilience and socio-economic sustainability. Dr. Levy has received more than $3 million in research grants and worked at leading academic centers around the world. He has published over 50 peer reviewed journal publications and serves on the editorial boards of over a dozen academic journals. His research develops timely, interdisciplinary and effective Information and Computer Technologies for managing the unexpected, major and cascading impacts of hazards and disasters that cross policy domains, geographic, political and sectoral boundaries..
Email: jlevy@hawaii.edu

Prof BS Chowdhry

He is Distinguished National Professor and the Dean Faculty of Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan. He did his PhD from renowned School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK in 1990. He is having teaching, research and administration experience of more than 35 years. He has the honour of being one of the editor of several books “Wireless Networks, Information Processing and Systems”, CCIS 20, “Emerging Trends and Applications in Information Communication Technologies”, CCIS 281, “Wireless Sensor Networks for Developing Countries”, CCIS 366, “Communication Technologies, Information Security and Sustainable Development”, CCIS 414, published by Springer Verlag, Germany.
He has also been serving as a Guest Editor for special issue “Wireless Personal Communications” Springer International Journal. He has produced more than 13 PhDs and supervised more than 50 MPhil/Masters Thesis in the area of ICT. His list of research publication crosses to over 60 in national and international journals, IEEE and ACM proceedings. Also, he has Chaired Technical Sessions in USA, UK, China, UAE, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Pakistan, Denmark, Spain and Belgium.
He is member of various professional bodies including: immediate past Chairman IEEE Karachi Section, Region10 Asia/Pacific, Fellow IEP, Fellow IEEEP, Senior Member, IEEE Inc. (USA), SM ACM Inc. (USA).
He is a Lead person for four European Commission Erasmus Mundus exchange programs “Mobility for Life”, “STRoNG-TiES” (Strengthening Training and Research through Networking and Globalisation of Teaching in Engineering Studies), INTACT (It's Time for CollaboratioNTowArds Close CooperaTion) and LEADERS (Leading mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering educations and ReSearch).
He organized several International Conferences including “IMTIC08”, “IMTIC12”, “IMTIC13”, “IMTIC15”, “WSN4DC13”, “IEEE SCONEST”, “IEEE PSGWC13”, and track chair in “Global Wireless Summit (GWS 2014), and Chief Organizer and Co-Chair GCWOC’16, GCWOC’17 in Malaga Spain.
In 2015, he also organized two weeks ICTP/UNESCO Regional workshop on “FPGA Based Instrumentation Systems”, fully funded by The Abdus Salam ICTP/UNESCO first time in Pakistan in which scientist from 27 regional countries were invited for participation.
He has been actively serving national and international professional and scientific bodies in various capacities including:

E-mail: c.bhawani@ieee.org

Prof Preeta Sharan

Dr. Preeta Sharan is working as professor in the department of ECE, The Oxford College of Engineering, India. She did her Post-Doctoral, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur and did her PhD degree in ECE, Institute of Technology (IT), BHU,India. The main focus of her research is related with photonics and optoelectronics. A competent professor with 22+ years of experience in Education, Research, Student Mentorship, association with international universities and organizations. Responsible for teaching B.Tech/ M.Tech. Guide Phd. students and execute government/ international agency funded projects. A self-starter with strong entrepreneurial spirit, built R&D center of my own with team size 15+ from scratch. I have delivered projects for prestigious funding agencies across the world as lead investigator like Naval Research Board, DRDO, India, IEEE USA and Govt. of Karnataka (KVGST). With multiple patents in process, research publications reaching 100+ under my leadership. Visited facilities of leading universities NTU Singapore, Tohoku University, Japan and University of Macau. Published papers in premier journals and presented papers in IEEE conferences in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Macau. Delivered lectures for VTU e-learning program via satellite for country wide classroom. Successfully conducted workshops in collaboration of IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay. I am the primary focal point and owner for all activities in our college as IEEE student Branch councilor and SIGHT coordinator and also associated with IEEE Humanitarian Technology group. Recently developed device concept for physically disabled person to operate computer bagged best design award in international IEEE IMARC conference 2015. Awarded “Woman of the Year – 1998, 2009’’ by American Biographical Institute. Associated with Elsevier and McGraw hill publication as reviewer.

Dr Arthur James Swart

Prof Arthur James Swart has been a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) USA since 2019. He has worked for Telkom SA and De Beers Namaqualand Mines for 4 years. He joined the Vaal University of Technology in 1995 and progressed from a technician to a senior lecturer in 2007. He completed his MEd in 2007 and his DTech in 2011. He was a General Chair of the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th International Conferences on Green Computing and Engineering Technology in Russia, Peru, Mauritius, and South Africa in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. He has delivered keynote speeches in the USA, India, UAE, Mauritius, Indonesia, Russia, Morocco, and so on. He has served as a PhD Examiner in various universities across the globe. He is writing and editing many books with top academic publishers like CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. He has always loved teaching, but his passion for research took time to develop! Research definitely allows one to engage in life-long learning which will always remain his primary goal which he currently pursues at The Central University of Technology, South Africa.

Prof. Abdennour El Rhalibi

Abdennour El Rhalibi is Professor of Entertainment Computing and Head of Strategic Projects at Liverpool John Moores University. He is Head of Computer Games Research Lab at the Protect Research Centre. He has over 22 years' experience doing research and teaching in Computer Sciences. Abdennour has worked as lead researcher in three EU projects in France and in UK. His current research involves Game Technologies and Applied Artificial intelligence. Abdennour has been leading for six years several projects in Entertainment Computing funded by the BBC and UK based games companies, involving cross-platform development tools for games, 3D Web-Based Game Middleware Development, State Synchronisation in Multiplayer Online Games, Peer-to-Peer MMOG and 3D Character Animation. Abdennour has published over 160 publications in these areas. Abdennour serves in many journal editorial boards including ACM Computer in Entertainment and the International Journal of Computer Games Technologies. He has served as chair and IPC member in over 100 conferences on Computer Entertainment, AI and VR. Abdennour is member of many International Research Committees in AI and Entertainment Computing, including IEEE MMTC IG: 3D Rendering, Processing and Communications (3DRPCIG), IEEE Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Video Games and IFIP WG 14.4 Games and Entertainment Computing.


ALI KASHIF BASHIR (IEEE: M’15, SM’16) is working as an Associate Professor in Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands, Denmark. He has published over 60 research articles, 3 white papers, technical reports and several blogs. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from Korea University, South Korea. In the past, he held appointments with Osaka University, Japan; Nara National College of Technology, Japan; the National Fusion Research Institute, South Korea; Southern Power Company Ltd., South Korea, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government, South Korea. He is also attached to Advanced Network Architecture Lab as a joint researcher. He is supervising/co-supervising several graduate (MS and PhD) students. He is in active collaboration with several universities like Yale University and University of Central Florida, USA; Ryerson University, Canada; Osaka University, Japan; to name a few. His research interests include: cloud computing, NFV/SDN, network virtualization, network security, IoT, computer networks, RFID, sensor networks, wireless networks, and distributed computing. He is serving as the Editor-in-chief of the IEEE INTERNET TECHNOLOGY POLICY NEWSLETTER and the IEEE FUTURE DIRECTIONS NEWSLETTER. He is an Editorial Board Member of journals, such as the IEEE ACCESS, the Journal of Sensor Networks, and the Data Communications. He has also served/serving as guest editor on several special issues in journals of IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer. He is actively involved in organizing workshops and conferences in many countries. He has chaired several conference sessions, gave several invited and keynote talks, and reviewed the technology leading articles for journals like IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, the IEEE Communication Magazine, the IEEE COMMUNICATION LETTERS, IEEE Internet of Things, and the IEICE Journals, and conferences, such as the IEEE Infocom, the IEEE ICC, the IEEE Globecom, and the IEEE Cloud of Things. He is also mentoring/advising/counseling several start-ups across the globe in the field of robotics, blockchain and smart homes.

Dr. Naveen Chilamkurti

Dr. Naveen Chilamkurti is an acting head of Department of Computer Science and Information Technology in La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. He is an TECHNICAL EDITOR of IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE (Impact Factor= 6.524) and Associate Technical Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine (Impact Factor = 4.46). He is also serving as EDITOR-IN-CHIEF International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadcasting Technologies (IJWNBT) (IGI-Global USA publication) and many more springer. Wiley and IEEE journal. He is also SENIOR MEMBER of International Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). He was general chair and co-chair in various global conferences like ISWPC-2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, ATNAC 2011, 2012, IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE SMARTGRIDCOMM 2013, IEEE IoT 2013, MUM 2014….and so on. He has published 180 Journal/conference papers including IEEE and ACM Transactions. He has supervised 40 students as of 2015 and 37 students graduated PhD, Masters and Honours program. He has received grant from many funding agency like National ICT Australia (NICTA), Department of Industry, Innovation Science, Research and Tertiary Education and so on. Major global publisher like Springer, IGI Global, Wiley, Nova Publications (USA) have published Book written by him. n.chilamkurti@latrobe.edu.au

Prof. Dr Parin Somani

Prof Dr Parin Somani is the Director of London Organisation of Skills Development, Chief Editor of Global Research Journal for the United Kingdom, Independent Academic Scholar, TEDx speaker, Banker, Writer, Humanitarian, Philanthropist and Multi International Award Winner. Prof. Dr. Parin Somani has achieved 8 doctorate awards, recognised 5 times in the world book of records, twice in the India book of records, Asia book of records and Karnataka book of records. Prof. Dr. Parin Somani has travelled to over 117 countries to help society at large in fields of Education, Women empowerment and Youth development Prof. Dr. Parin Somani is the winner of several beauty pageants and has been honoured with the title of Mrs Universe 2022, where she was crowned by Bollywood Actress Mahek Chahal. Prof. Dr. Parin Somani is the Icon of Beauty with Brains and became the Winner of Enigma Mrs World 2022. In addition, Prof. Dr. Parin Somani is the winner of Mrs India 2021 and was crowned by the Bollywood Actress Aditii Govitrikar. She is Winner of Mrs BritAsian 2021, Winner of Mrs Universe International 2021, Winner of Mrs India Global 2021 and the runner up of Mrs Queen of India 2021. Prof. Dr. Parin Somani has authored 19 books and her new upcoming book “Manifest Inner Beauty: Part I” will be released in 2023. Prof. Dr. Parin was invited to deliver a Keynote address at King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom in May 2023 and last year also, she was invited as Keynote Speaker at Harvard University, United States of America in May 2022 to help global society at large.

Josep M. Guerrero

Josep M. Guerrero is a Professor in Department of Energy Technology, Aaalborg University, Esbjerg, Denmark. Josep M. Guerrero received the B.S. degree in telecommunications engineering, the M.S. degree in electronics engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, in 1997, 2000 and 2003, respectively. Since 2011, he has been a Full Professor with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark, where he is responsible for the Microgrid Research Program (www.microgrids.et.aau.dk). From 2012 he is a guest Professor at the Chinese Academy of Science and the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; from 2014 he is chair Professor in Shandong University; from 2015 he is a distinguished guest Professor in Hunan University; and from 2016 he is a visiting professor fellow at Aston University, UK, and a guest Professor at the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. His research interests is oriented to different microgrid aspects, including power electronics, distributed energy-storage systems, hierarchical and cooperative control, energy management systems, smart metering and the internet of things for AC/DC microgrid clusters and islanded minigrids; recently specially focused on maritime microgrids for electrical ships, vessels, ferries and seaports. Prof. Guerrero is an Associate Editor for a number of IEEE TRANSACTIONS. He received the best paper award of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion for the period 2014-2015, and the best paper prize of IEEE-PES in 2015. As well, he received the best paper award of the Journal of Power Electronics in 2016. In 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 he was awarded by Thomson Reuters as Highly Cited Researcher, and in 2015 he was elevated as IEEE Fellow for his contributions on “distributed power systems and microgrids”.
He is going to deliver a talk on
Title: Shipboard and Seaport Microgrids for Maritime electrification
Abstract: In this presentation, microgrid technologies will be introduced to show how terrestrial microgrid knowledge can be introduce in shipboard systems. The talk will include: power quality standards and issues in ship board electrical systems, DC microgrids and energy storage systems for ships and ferries, power management systems and optimization for vessels and offshore platforms, and power electronics enabling AC/DC grids in ships. Examples of platform/offshore support vessels, hybdrid yatchs, full and hybrid electric ferries will be presented. Real and practical cases from industrial manufacturers, projects, and ships measurements and solutions will be given.
For any query mail him at joz@et.aau.dk


MOHAMMAD KAMRUL HASAN becomes involved in employment as an Engineer (System and Automation), deputy manager as well as several managerial positions at the industry and achieved more than seven years of experiences after completing his BSc studies back in 2003. His undertakings included supervision, installation, and configuration of the corporate information-centric network, data servers, and fault handling of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), controllers, MUDUBUS, and Merging Units. Fault handling and programming of the ladder logic design for the industrial LAN connected PLC devices. After then he completed his MSc degree in Communication Engineering studies from the area of Electrical and Communication Engineering, International Islamic University, Malaysia. In a continuation of his higher studies, he completed Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Electrical and Communication Engineering from the faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University, Malaysia in 2016. He was awarded the Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS) for his entire Ph.D. program from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. After completion of Doctoral studies, he secured employment as the postdoc researcher for two and a half years at the faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in July 2017. He has been demonstrating excellent outcome in his research work and received several awards including Gold medal and best paper award. For the publication, he awarded the best paper award for research papers. Currently, Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan is working as a Senior Lecturer, in the Center for Cyber Security, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as a specialized lecturer in the area of IoT, 5G, Cyber Security, smart grid networks, Microprocessor Systems, Communication and Data Networking, and information-centric networks at the center for Cyber Security, UKM. Dr. Hasan is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE-90852712) since 2013, Member of Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET-1100572830), and the member of Internet Society (198312). He also served the IEEE student branch as chair from 2014 to 2016. He has actively participated in many events/workshops/training for the IEEE and IEEE humanity programs in Malaysia. He organized several workshops and participated more than twenty conferences and keynotes. He is the reviewer of many SCIE journals including IEEE Access, Telecommunication Systems, Hindawi, SAGE, and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems.

Praveen Kumar

Dr. Praveen Kumar received his PhD and M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently he is working as Director and Professor of Computer Engineering in Astana IT University, Kazakhstan. Previously he was the Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology and Engineering in Amity University Tashkent Uzbekistan. He has more then 17+ years’ experience in teaching and research. He has been awarded as Best PhD thesis and Awarded as Fellow Member of Indian Institute of Machine Learning for outstanding contribution in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, recognized by Govt. of West Bengal, India, Awarded as Best Teacher of Big Data Analytics, Corona worrier Award, Certified Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) . He has to his credit 09 Patents, 04 Copyright and published more than 138+ research papers in International Journals and Conferences (Scopus Indexed). Also published 06-SCI paper, and 15 UGC Listed journal. and Published 01- Edited Book (01 – In process). He has organized and Session chaired in 62+ International and National Conferences and Evaluate 06 PhD thesis Reviewed as an External Examiner. He is guiding 04 PhD and 01- Ph.D. Awarded in area of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Data mining. He has delivered Keynotes, invited talks and guest lecture in Jamia Millia Islamia University, Maharaja Agersen college of Delhi University, Duy Tan University Vietnam, ECE Paris, France etc.